Bill Foley, DO – MOS Immediate Past President – has had an eventful year teaching abroad, bringing global awareness and impact to the osteopathic profession.
In March 2018, Dr. Foley traveled to Nagoya, Japan where he conducted an advanced osteopathic practitioner course called “From Conception to Birth.” Learners were taught osteopathic approaches to pregnant women and newborn babies.
Then from June 9-11, 2018, Dr. Foley went to Barcelona, Spain and lectured at the Formacio i Desenvolupament en Osteopatia. The course was titled Osteopathic Approach to the GI Tract Including the Immune-Digestive Connection. Over 40 people attended the course and developed osteopathic skills to apply to the gastrointestinal system. In addition, they learned about its relation to the immune-digestion connection and its neurological impacts. Dr. Foley also served as a guest tutor at the Centre d’Osteopatia d’Infants, which is a medical clinic that provides affordable care for children in need. There, he advised osteopathic medical students on how to approach different medical conditions.
Below are some pictures from Dr. Foley’s travels this year. He has also taught courses in Canada, Switzerland, and Australia.