SCTF Basic CourseDr. William Foley was on faculty for the first in person SCTF Basic Course in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field since the pandemic started. This was a 40 hour, 5 day course at NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine on Long Island. In addition to table training for the entire course, Dr. Foley lectured on the Cranio-Cervical Junction.

The SCTF basic introductory course was first established to teach the principles of osteopathy in the cranial field as conceived and developed by William Garner Sutherland, student of Andrew Taylor Still. This special course was developed and passed on with reverence to disseminate a general knowledge of these principles and the therapeutic indications for this approach to treatment. The legacy of our teachers is preserved by those dedicated to “digging on”, those who have made it their life’s passion to share this gift with students and patients of osteopathy, in search of health. The SCTF endeavors to encourage and assist students, dentists and physicians – to stimulate continued study and greater proficiency on the part of those practicing osteopathy in the cranial field. Our intimate 1:4 table trainer-to-student ratio allows for close study and observation of real disarticulated crania and hand-over-hand experiential training, setting the gold standard for teaching osteopathy in the cranial field to interested students from around the world.